Incontinence Supplies

Millions of adults in the United States have urinary and/or fecal incontinence, or a milder version of the former, sometimes called bladder weakness or overactive bladder. If you or a loved one is affected by this unfortunate but not uncommon condition, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

The good news is, it can be managed or even eliminated altogether! Start by getting the facts about incontinence and what can be done about. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have this problem.

If you hide your incontinence, you risk getting rashes, sores, skin infections and urinary tract infections. Also, you may find yourself avoiding friends and family because of fear and embarrassment.


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How to Determine if Medicare Will Cover Incontinence Supplies

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage for a variety of medical services and supplies. If you have Medicare, you may be able to get coverage for incontinence supplies. In order to get Medicare to pay for incontinence supplies, you must meet certain criteria and follow certain steps. This guide will provide an overview of the process for getting Medicare to pay for incontinence supplies.

How to Determine if Medicare Will Cover Incontinence Supplies

Medicare coverage for incontinence supplies varies depending on the type of Medicare plan you have. Generally, Medicare Part B covers medically necessary incontinence supplies, such as absorbent briefs, underdrainage collection systems, and external catheters. However, Medicare Part A does not cover incontinence supplies.

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